The Present Preserving the Past for the Future

New Addition

A new booklet has been added to the website. The booklet is called “Lochore, A Playground for Fife” by A. Aileen J. Mason. The booklet can be viewed by either by clicking this link or by visiting the site > Historical Information > Lochore > Lochore.
The booklet tells the story of the Mason family who moved to the area when the Rev Charles Mason become the first minister of Lochcraig Church.

I have also discovered the gallery plugin used on the site to hold and view photos is no longer being updated by the developer. This is a major issue as it means I can no longer add any further photos to any of the galleries I am, at present, assessing what this means in the longer term. My main worry is the time it will take to download the hundreds of photos in all the galleries and place them in new galleries. Also some photos have comments on them made by members of the public and I fear these may be lost. I am still investigating any and all options open to me and hope to have more news soon.

Thanks for continuing to use the Benarty Heritage Preservation Group website.

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